Saturday, June 28, 2008

Week Four Post: Lecture Four

In Lecture 4, there is a section on relational dialects which refers to the independence and interdependence of people. The example used referred to friends but I wonder if the same concept could be applied to romantic relationships as well as the non romantic ones. I think it is very important to find a balance when your in a relationship. I always hated that saying, “he’s my other half” because I fully believe that when people are in a relationship, they should be two whole people bringing their own personalities to the relationship, not depending on each other to feel “whole”.

1 comment:

MJ said...

I agree because people become too dependent on the other person. This usually makes a break up that much harder because they don't know how to cope being apart. I believe in love but I also believe in reality and that people's feelings change. If we invest too much in hope, we only fool ourselves.