Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Week Three Post: Chapter Seven

In chapter seven, I really felt that the concept of sex differences was hit right on the nail by the authors. Sex differences is listed under factors affecting the manner of self-disclosure and the points the authors bring up really rang true for me, and probably everyone who read it. Everybody knows that females like to talk to each other, it’s bonding and advice and a shared sense of womanhood and girls love that sort of thing! My boyfriend once said that a good party has more girls than guys because both guys and girls, like talking to girls. And it’s totally true! The author’s state that women tend to place prerequisites on people they share their feelings with, for example people who are trustworthy and discreet. Men on the other hand, use a status-assertive disclosure style which hides weakness and emphasizes successes. Both of these are really interesting factors and I encourage everyone to think about that next time their in a mixed setting.


Carmen said...

Your blog on the concept of sex differences affecting the manner of self disclosure was very enjoyable to read. I completely agree that females tend to self disclose more than males. I do believe that females do love to talk and have that sort of bonding and advice with one another. I have realized when in relationships or even just talk to male friends we always talk about my issue with friends or anything related to my interactions with females and they always just kind of nod and agree. When I talk to a female friend about another friend they always agree with me and give me advice on what I should do about the situation.

Gian said...

This is an interesting blog. I say this because it made me think about my own social behaviors.

Since I was young, a majority of my friends were guys, and I'm a girl. Why? I just felt like I got along better with guys than girls, not saying that I don't get along with girls at all. I'll admit I was a tomboy, but I grew out of it. I guess, since I was young, I was more of the adventurous type. I loved playing sports and didn't care of getting hurt; whereas my girl friends when I was younger, would pass.

In retrospect, it was always interesting getting the opposite sex's opinions and thoughts about things, but when it came down to talking and socializing, it was much easier to talk to girls. I suppose it's because of our natural behavior, or liking, or talking a lot. Haha.