Monday, June 30, 2008

Week Five Post: Chapter 12

One thing that really caught my attention in this weeks reading was the section on arousal management goals in chapter 12. This goal focuses on avoiding anxiety and feeling comfortable and I think it is something we can all relate to. I can relate it to discussions with my roommate in regards to bills/rent/moving etc. We have been best friends since the fourth grade, but we had to learn a whole new dynamic when we became roommates. Talk that used to be easy and flowing became halted and tentative. Talking about how to split the rent per the room size, and if we really need the air conditioner on overnight can become a really tense and high anxiety situation and we both have to work very hard to manage the anxiety we feel. We definitely haven’t figured it out after 3 years, but I can definitely say we try very hard at arousal management.

1 comment:

Carmen said...

I do agree with you that arousal management is something we can all relate to. Your roommate example was a perfect way of explaining this concept. That’s amazing that you and your roommate can have your great friendship as well as be roommates. I have watched many of my friends move in together and have some sort of problem and end up not being roommates and ultimately losing a friendship to. That’s good that you guys worked out your differences and made the situation work.